
Powell Recipient of “Missouri IT Recognition Award”

Steve Powell, system designer for the SUCCESS Project ( within the Vocational Rehabilitation Division of the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, is the recipient of the “Missouri IT Recognition Award” for his assistance on the Multi-Agency Data Dictionary Initiative. The award is given to recognize technical and non-technical individuals who have shown initiative, creative thinking, and/or extraordinary effort by participating in an IT initiative that has resulted in a positive impact and significant value to an agency and/or the state.

To make this multi-agency data dictionary possible, staff from DHSS, DMH, DSS and DESE-Vocational Rehabilitation worked together with the consulting firm of Tier Technologies. Six applications across the four agencies were reviewed for common attributes. Sixty-six client name and demographic attributes were identified and reconciled with national data standards and aligned with Missouri GIS addressing standards. Along with the multi-agency data dictionary, a data dictionary methodology was documented for future use and a suggested architectural rendering for an online initial client application system was delivered.

Full details about the award can be found at

Details about the SUCCESS project, which was used as a model for this multi-agency data dictionary, can be found at